It’s Time to Step Up Your Social Media Game

Mockup Of An Iphone 11 Pro Placed On A Neat Desk Next To A Plant Pot

Mockup of an iPhone 11 Pro Placed on a Neat Desk

Saying that competition on social media is high is an understatement. There are so many talented individuals with exceptional content that it’s getting harder to stand out! If you want to attract (and retain) followers you need to step up your game. 

Besides aesthetically pleasing content, you need a great caption to boost its effectiveness. The reason why caption or written content is so important is that it helps you to connect with your audience.

The way you express your thoughts can be a determining element for your audience. Writing great captions will bring you like-minded people, increase engagement on your posts, and show the audience why they should follow you. 

You may have tons of ideas but sometimes you just don’t know how to form them into perfectly written social media posts. Sounds familiar? Keep in mind the following necessary elements of great social media posts and you won’t be troubled about your writing anymore. 

1. Find Your Own Voice

Iphone 11 Pro Mockup Featuring A Woman Holding Her Phone

iPhone 11 Pro Mockup Featuring a Woman Holding Her Phone

The most compelling posts are the ones that are bursting with influencer’s personality. Followers keep an eye on your content because they admire you and they want to get to know you better. Depriving them of that possibility would be a huge mistake. 

Express your personality through social media posts by finding your style, voice, and tone. Once you pinpoint these elements, the audience will be able to recognize your posts from a mile away.

Breaking the walls and expressing yourself the way you want can be a challenge for some. However, you need to remember that in the sea of generic influencers this is your chance to win people over with authenticity.

2. Avoid Passive Voice

Mockup Of A Macbook Pro On A Table At A Coffee Shop

Mockup of a Macbook Pro on a Table at a Coffee Shop

Try to stay away from passive voice as much as you can. Passive voice can make simple statements sound confusing and downplay your accomplishments.

The active voice is more natural and straightforward. Those are the qualities that social media posts should have. 

Take a look at this example:

  • Passive: Tons of letters were received today.
  • Active: I received a ton of letters today!

Which one do you find more appropriate for social media? The answer is pretty clear.

For a more powerful effect and conversational tone, the active voice should be your choice. 

3. Surface Several Ideas

Mockup Of A Macbook Next To A Phone On A Pink Sofa

Mockup of a MacBook Next to a Phone on a Pink Sofa

Unless you are one of the lucky few whose first idea is always the best, you need to write and edit until you get what you want. Practice makes it perfect they say, and they are right.

Brainstorm and write down any idea that comes to your mind. Then select a few and create variations. Write, rewrite, and experiment with different words before you decide on a final caption.

Don’t rush with your content. Give it some time (if you have some) to think of new ideas to entertain the audience. 

Diana Adjadj, influencer, and writer at Studyker shared how rewriting is an essential part of her writing process. “I rarely settle for the first idea. I like to rewrite and refine my words until I find my content to be persuasive and compelling,” says Diana.

4. Keep It Concise

Modern Instagram Post Template For A New Collection Post With A Square Picture

Social media isn’t the best place for elaborate posts. Users expect to find short and concise writing that will enhance the visual. An endless chain of words will make them lose interest in your post and move on.

The best place for long posts is a blog. Share your thoughts on more complex topics there and simply announce your blog post on social media. That’s how you’ll give social media users the liberty to choose.

The amount of information that users consume has led to the narrowing of our collective attention span. Consequently, it is hard to keep users’ attention on longer posts.

When you write captions, titles, or short announcements, you should try to keep them up to 7 words. What can help you with shortening the posts is cutting out the unnecessary words. Simplicity is golden on social media.  

5. Team up with Professional Writers

Group Of Coworkers At A Startup Wearing T Shirts Mockup While At A Meeting

Take your writing to the next level by welcoming expert writers in your content creation process. If you want to write a more elaborate post and you aim to wow the readers, turning to a few useful tools and services can be a game-changer.

Here a few websites that can be the answer in your search for a solution:

  • ClassyEssay – By accepting only talented and experienced writers to their team, ClassyEssay ensures that any writing task is delivered in high-quality. 
  • TopEssayWriting – Whether you need an outline, proofreading, or writing services, exceptional writers handle it all.
  • WriteScout – This service combines professional writers with years of experience with low prices (and no hidden charges to worry about). They can write or edit your post.
  • Grammarly – Before you make a post public you must proofread it. In order not to miss any mistakes use an online editing tool like Grammarly. 
  • Readable – Check the readability of your posts with Readable and find out whether you need to simplify or change a few elements. 

Remember that you should always stay true to your voice. The point of partnering with writers should be to help you with parts that trouble you or give you an initial idea that you will adapt to your style. 

6. Encourage Audience Interaction

Mockup Of A Man Holding An Iphone 11 Pro Against A Blurry Background

Your success in social media greatly depends on the audience. Therefore, you need to show how important they are to you by inviting them to join the conversation.

Finish off your copy with a question or sentence that encourages the followers to share their opinion on the matter. Examples for this are:

  • Let me know what you think.
  • How about you?
  • What’s your take on this?
  • Share your thoughts in the comments.
  • I’m looking forward to hearing about your experiences.

Your followers will be more loyal if they feel that their thoughts are valued and appreciated. The point of social media is to socialize. Thus, having autonomy in sharing thoughts on your posts won’t serve the purpose. 

7. Test Your Options

Mockup Of An Imac On A Modern Desk

If you have a few options and you can’t make up your mind, it’s time to turn to your friends and family. Getting a second pair of eyes to take a look at your writing will be of great help.

Being objective with your content is hard. That’s why someone close to you, who won’t hesitate to be honest is what you need. 

Share your ideas with a few people and let them vote on the best option. This is the easiest way to decide on the winning content. 

Now that you know what it takes to create compelling social media posts, there is no more room for excuses. Let your creativity out, wrap your ideas in the carefully created form, and you have the recipe for the content that the audience won’t be able to resist.

To Sum Up

The magic formula to post high-quality content to retain your audience includes finding your own style and writing in its voice, sharing your opinion or views on things, and post with consistency. You should keep it short and to the point and whenever you have more to say you can promote your blog post on social media.  Always double check your writing. Encourage audience interaction, ask them questions to hear out what they think of your content! Evaluate your content constantly so that you can always keep the good work up and learn from your mistakes.

Best Practices for Writing Great Social Media Posts

Post relevant content your audience will love to read. It's not all about beautiful looking images, writing is crucial to keep your audience interested! Post clear messages with your own voice and engage with you audience. Read the previous tips to level up your social media content.

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