Ensure Your Instagram Videos Are the Perfect Length
At this point, if you haven’t heard about Instagram, you’re probably living under a rock. Instagram is one of the most popular and most important social media apps around, especially if you’re a marketer.
This super visual, image and video-based platform gives you the freedom to share videos with your followers in a number of ways, but each video option has its own requirements and limitations. Because of this, Instagram video length can get confusing. If you’re wondering to yourself, “How long can a video be on Instagram?” we’re here to help you get this sorted out!
The Perfect Instagram Feed Video Length
Before starting to make a video for your Insta feed, keep in mind that there is an Instagram max video length. Factor this into your planning so that your video is complete when you post it, and it doesn’t get cut off. When it comes to videos made for your Instagram feed, these can be anywhere between 3 seconds long and 60 seconds long.
- Instagram feed videos (Reels) – anywhere between 3 seconds long and 60 seconds long.
- Instagram Live videos – up to 4 hours.
- Instagram Stories – up to 15 seconds.
Although 60 seconds is the maximum, this doesn’t mean your videos should always aim to be this long. In fact, shorter videos tend to perform better because let’s face it, viewers don’t have a very long attention span. Videos that are around 26 seconds long have been shown to perform best, so try to make sure you keep your videos, informative, visually appealing, and to the point.
Sound is a great addition, and you can make your mobile videos sound professional using accusonus‘ Mauvio app, but don’t make your video’s narrative rely on it completely since feed videos are muted unless the viewer decides to activate the sound. If you don’t have much video experience, there’s nothing to worry about. You can make your own Instagram videos in no time with an online video maker tool.
Instagram Story Video Length Limits
Stories are hugely popular on Instagram because they allow you to quickly and easily share short videos that disappear after 24 hours. Instagram Stories also comes with a lot of embellishment options so that you can make them interactive and engage your audience. You can add gifs to give your story video more personality or add a poll, quiz, or question to encourage your audience to interact with you.
The downside is that Instagram story video length is quite short. Each story you post can only last up to 15 seconds maximum. There is a way around this, though. You may have watched a story video that lasted longer than 15 seconds, but what you may not have realized is that this video was actually made up of several 15 second shorter videos. When you upload a longer video, Instagram will automatically cut it down into 15-second chunks. This is only for videos that are a minute long or shorter. Videos longer than that will have to be trimmed manually into one-minute segments and then uploaded to Instagram Stories.
How Long Can Instagram Videos Be?
Instagram Reels offer longer-form video. This space is great for tutorials, hauls, and content that requires more time. The vertical format is also great because that means your video takes up the entire screen, cutting out potential distractions.
The platform itself provides you with curated content. If you’re following an account, you’ll be able to see their videos in your home screen. Anyone can create, share, and watch the content on this platform, so why not take advantage of this space? Since this video feature was thought up for longer-form videos, videos posted to it can be longer than the standard Instagram video length limit. These videos can last anywhere from 15 seconds to 10 minutes. If you have a verified account or an account with a large following, you may even able to upload videos that last up to 60 minutes!
Are There Length Limits for Instagram Live Videos?
Have you ever been browsing Instagram when suddenly you get a notification that someone you follow has ‘gone live?’ This pretty much means what it sounds like: the person has started a live video. When you go live, your followers and other Instagram users can tune into your video and even ask questions that you can answer right that second. Once your live video has ended, you can even post it to your stories where it will stay for 24 hours. Live videos are perfect for businesses that want to promote a product, hype up a live event, give a behind the scenes look, or host a Q&A.
This option is a little more hidden, so to find it head over to your stories by swiping right on your home feed. Next, scroll through the carousel at the bottom until you see the live option and hit the big white button that says Start Live Video. Once your live video has started, a tracker will help you keep track of how long your video is, another will tell you how many viewers are tuning in, and you can enable comments so that viewers can interact with you.
Live videos can last up to 60 minutes, but you can do more than that. If you need more than 60 minutes, simply end your current live video and start another one for an additional 60 minutes. Since these are live, there’s no size limitation, file type, or orientation to keep track of.
Create Awesome Videos
for Your Instagram Account
Now that you have all the information you need, you’re more than ready to make the perfect videos for your Instagram. If you’re wondering which tool can help you? A slideshow maker does wonders for your videos! Get creative and make the most out of each space you’re given. Don’t forget to also focus on the content of your videos so that you can successfully win over your audience. Remember that a custom Instagram logo is essential for a proper branding of your account. Also, if you were wondering how to grow you follower count with awesome content read this post to get information on it!
Other Videos for Your Social Media
YouTube is a big opportunity to post amazing videos that you followers will surely love. Check out our how to make a successful YouTube channel from scratch. Learn how to launch your first social media campaign successfully following these tips!
- Instagram feed videos (Reels) – anywhere between 3 seconds long and 60 seconds long.
- Instagram Live videos – up to 4 hours.
- Instagram Stories – up to 15 seconds.
Simply tap on the add icon in the top left panel for desktop or middle bottom bar on mobile. Now select the video that you want to upload, which needs to be one minute to 15 minutes long tap next, drag the slider to select a cover photo or choose a separate photo from the camera roll, tap next one more time, and fill the information such as the title and the description tap post and the video will be posted.
Live videos can last up to 60 minutes, but you can do more than that. If you need more than 60 minutes, simply end your current live video and start another one for an additional 60 minutes. Since these are live, there’s no size limitation, file type, or orientation to keep track of.
Leslie Arthur 5/5
The Easiest Way to Make Instagram Videos
When creating videos for your social media profiles, it can be hard to get them just right. Even just getting an Instagram video length right can seem near impossible. Luckily, there are plenty of tools out there that can help you make the perfect videos for your feed. Check out Placeit’s Instagram video makers to get your profile looking great!
Create Awesome Instagram Videos