How to Increase Etsy Sales in a Breeze

The fall give you the perfect opportunity to increase Etsy sales quickly. Since the holidays are right around the corner and we’re jumping into the fall sales period, increasing the sales you see in your online shop is something you can definitely achieve if you know what you’re doing.

If you’re excited to increase Etsy sales and take advantage of the growing number of shoppers this season, we’ve got some great tips for you. From adding seasonal products to your online shop to using social media to attract buyers, get the tips you need to see a growth in your sales.

🍁  Check out this season’s color palettes to keep your designs in trends!

Five Ways to Increase Etsy Sales

#1: Add Seasonal Products to Your Online Shop

As the season changes and the weather gets chillier by the day, you can be sure that online shoppers will be looking for cozy items. Because of this, you should stock your shop full of seasonal products that are exactly what your customers are searching for.

🔥​ Check out our How to Start a Business on Etsy – Your Ultimate Startup Blueprint

If you’ve been doing this for more than a year, think back to what products sold well at the same time last year. Use your learnings to improve your seasonal strategy.

You may learn that during the fall and winter, it makes sense to focus on selling warm and cozy items and items that reflect the different holidays that are coming up.

Some products to consider adding to your Etsy shop include mugs, hoodies, long sleeve tees, beanies, blankets, and other similar items. You can sell these items with seasonal designs or simply add your best selling designs to them. 

🎃🍁🍂 Not sure which designs will rock for the fall season? Then check out these fall shirt ideas to attract tons of visitors to your shop! 

#2: Optimize Your Etsy Shop

In order for your shop to get found, you have to optimize it, which means working on your Etsy SEO. We get it, SEO can sound daunting and complicated, but by simply focusing on getting a few key things right, you can start to see a surge in your shop visits, which can lead to sales.

SEO can make it easier for potential customers to find your shop and your products, so focus on these key elements:

  • Shop title: This is the description that is just beneath your shop’s name. This can be up to 55 characters and should describe your shop and your products. Use keywords that are relevant to your products to make your shop discoverable on search engines.
  • Shop sections: Give your shop sections names that make sense for the products included in each page. These can be up to 24 characters long. Not only do these make it easier for shoppers to navigate your store easily, but they can also help you come up in Google searches. Again, look for keywords that yield high search volumes and that are accurate to your products.
  • Item title: When a customer clicks on one of your product images, they’ll be taken to a product page. The item’s title will be used to create the title of this page. Definitely use keywords in the title of your product for this reason and because a strong title will also help your item get discovered more easily.
  • Item description: When writing your item description, include keywords that shoppers may use to find what you’re selling. Not only is this great for discovery, but your item’s description is also used to create the meta description that comes up on a Google search. Be descriptive, highlight important aspects of your product, and include keywords for a strong description.

✏️😊🌟 Want to make your Etsy shop and listings more discoverable and generate more sales? Then read our 12 Proven Etsy SEO Tips for 2024 to make it happen!

#3: Have a Fall Sale

Having a sale is a great way to get existing customers to purchase more items and to attract new customers to your shop. While a sale isn’t always the right solution, it is a great way to clear out the previous season’s merchandise and close up that season’s sales.

Keep in mind that anyone who has favorited an item or your shop will get an alert about the items you’ve marked for sale, ensuring they go back and take another look.

You don’t necessarily have to list last season’s items for sale either. You can also offer a discount on your new merchandise to entice buyers to take a look and make some early purchases.

To ensure your existing customers stick around and make more purchases, reward them with a discount on the next item they buy. These types of rewards for existing customers are great because they will feel a stronger tie to your shop, ensuring they stick around for longer and even recommend your shop.

#4: Update Your Shop's Branding

It may not seem like the most important aspect to consider, but your shop’s branding and overall look are super important. 

Think about it this way, when you visit an Etsy shop that has nothing but a giant list of items and no information filled out, not even a profile picture, are you likely to make a purchase? The short answer is probably no. Inspire trust in those who visit your shop by putting some time and effort into your branding.

Having a banner, a shop icon, a seller photo, and your descriptions filled out will help people feel more comfortable placing an order. Having them is basic, but you don’t want basic if you really want your Etsy shop to succeed.

To take your branding to the next level, think about your target audience, your products, and your brand voice when designing these assets. These images should convey what your brand is all about and reflect who you’re trying to reach. A vintage shop will likely have a very different look than an urban apparel shop, and that makes sense.

Focus on what makes sense for your brand and reach your target audience with that authenticity. Keep in mind that you can change your assets according to the season to make your shop look more festive. Don’t change your assets completely, but consider adding in seasonal touches and colors to update the without changing your entire look.

#5: Harness the Power of Social Media Marketing

Using social media to reach new and existing customers is a great idea. Since just about everyone is on at least one, if not 10, social media sites, it only makes sense to use this tool to expand your audience. The great thing about most of these sites is that they offer the possibility of creating custom ads to reach users who fit your target and goals.

Apart from paid ads, you can also set up an account and use this to keep in touch with current customers while also reaching a wider audience. Use your social media profiles to share images of your products, behind-the-scenes looks at how you make your items, give a tour of your workspace or studio, or simply stay connected with your customers. You can also share customer reviews and user-generated content to show potential customers what they can expect from your brand.

Create cool videos and other eye-catching posts that can increase interaction and engagement. The more you connect with your audience the better since this can lead to more trust and sales. As part of your Etsy marketing plan, be sure your posts make sense for your audience and follow the same aesthetics as your shop.

Boost Your Etsy Sales This Fall

With these tips and your Etsy know-how, you’re sure to see a growth in your sales this fall. As you try out these tips, give them time to make a difference before ruling them out. Also, be sure to keep track of what works for your shop so you can continue on this track and do more to improve on your current strategies.

In the meantime, let us know what are other tips have helped you increase your Etsy sales. Share them with us in the comments below and continue unlocking more Etsy resources like mockups and design templates to take your shop to the next level with Placeit by Envato. 

FAQ - How to Increase Etsy Sales This Fall

“My Etsy shop images look so professional with Placeit’s coffee mug mockups!”
Erin O’Malley 5/5

Boost Sales with Etsy Ads

If you’re an Etsy seller, you may notice that certain products are more popular during certain seasons. Capitalize on this by offering the products your buyers want. This fall, boost your Etsy sales by offering the best seasonal products. Check out Placeit’s ad templates which are perfect to promote your shop!

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