Make the Most of Your Pinterest Images​

Make the most of your Pinterest Images to engage more traffic, pins and re-pins! Pinterest is a powerful e-commerce network that is continually gaining more and more audience that is looking for new, cool, refreshing content.  Capture pinners’ attention with these tips!

Tip: Have you ever seen a piece of clothing on Pinterest, but you are not sure where you can buy it? As a business, this happens when you post from your computer instead of posting from your website. When you share directly from your website, a link is created so that customers can track the product back to you!

Table of Contents

Pinterest Image Sizes

Pinterest recommends using a 2:3 size in whatever high-quality size you want to use. Placeit uses 736 x 1128px in its Pinterest Template. Taller images are more likely to be re-pinned rather than wider images, so, we always use default vertical image.


Try out our image cropper to get your pin in the right size!

Pinterest Trends to Try This 2018

How to Make Pinterest Pins with Placeit

Just like all of our Social Media Image Makers, first you choose your template’s size (in this case we will be using Pinterest’s default size) and then you are welcome to customize as much as you need, including fonts, colors, graphics. You can use an image you like from our bank of images or you can upload your own branded image.


📌😊✨Discover how to use Pinterest for blogging to skyrocket your blog traffic and promote your content.

Other Pinterest Novelties

Pinterest Novelties

Pinterest Peak Hours to Post

Remember that with Placeit you can also create amazing Mockups  for your brand as well as Logo Images!

So basically you can try these Pinterest best practices to enforce your Social Media Marketing efforts in Pinterest Network, and you can use Placeit’s Social Media Imager Maker tool to get beautiful design templates to make your post stand out!  

Go to Using Pinterest to Market Your Business  to learn more on how to market your business with Pinterest Social Media. This list of social media tools can also help you ensure your Pinterest efforts are a success.

"My pins look way more proffesional now that I use Placeit's Pinterest Image Maker!"

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