Business Man

Starting a business can be stressful, especially when you have to work with an indispensable but scarce resource such as time. As a small business owner, there are a lot of things to be done: meeting clients, planning marketing strategies, doing research, and so on. This is Why we’ve gathered these time management tips for you!

Most times, all these things do not fit into your working hours, and this means you have to work round the clock, sometimes even depriving yourself of rest. Even at that, for some entrepreneurs, 24 hours a day is not enough for their daily schedule. With this, one might ask, what can be done to maximize time for both work and personal life fully? 

There are so many tips out there to help you manage time as an entrepreneur; you just have to carefully analyze them and go for what works best for you.

Tips for Time Management

1. Set Achievable Goals Daily

Setting goals is one thing, but being able to tackle all of them efficiently without feeling drained is another. Therefore, make sure that your daily tasks are attainable and try as much as possible to pay attention to the most productive hours of your day. That way, you can tackle the most crucial and significant tasks when your body and mind are still very active. However, when setting your goals, make sure that they are well-detailed and achievable. 

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2. Avoid Distractions & Time Wasters

As an entrepreneur, you don’t have a boss, no one to order you around or scold you when you go wrong, and so you can easily get distracted, but identifying these distractions and time-wasters and trying to avoid them will help you a lot.  Always separate your work time from your time, and don’t allow your business or family issues to affect your work as this will only give poor results. 

3. Know When to Delegate

Yes, it is your business, but only you cannot run it alone as you can’t do everything by yourself. Trying to do all alone will only drain you, leaving you tired and less useful, so know when you need help and make sure you get one. Hire experts like those in digital marketing, website designers, and others to handle certain tasks, especially one that you’re not familiar with. However, whatever task you’re assigning to your employees, whether it is developing content for social media or creating designs, make sure that they are well trained and prepared for it. 

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4. Don’t Multitask

Most people feel that multitasking is the best way to handle tasks, with the mentality that much can be achieved at a time. However, when handling tasks, you should always have the result at the back of your mind. Multitasking might mean you are working on so many things at a time, but you end up reducing productivity and results due to inadequate focus. 

5. Make Use of Apps

Using time-tracking apps play a great management role for business owners, from scheduling and delegating tasks to employees to monitoring them, among other obligations. A time tracking app like is available to help you manage your daily schedule and track time. Other apps like “self-control” block you from logging on to certain websites; “Wunderlist” helps you to create a to-do list, set reminders, and share your list with others. Toggle is also another time-tracking app that helps you to know how much time you’ve spent on a particular task. There are many of these applications designed to ease business management stress for you, so utilize them well.

6. Set Time to Rest

Time management is crucial for productivity. As humans, we become most productive when we have rested properly, and this is a proven fact! Always set a time to rest and take it very seriously. Do not overwork yourself without taking interval to rest, that is why most companies have lunch breaks. It doesn’t have to be a long period, but take your time to calm your body and mind. Moreover, it helps to increase productivity.

7. Organize Your WorkSpace

A disorganized office has every tendency to reduce your efficiency. At all times, ensure your workspace is neatly arranged and ready for work. Your table should not be cluttered with files and papers; this has a way of disorganizing you. At the end of work every day, try to organize your office as much as possible.

8. Use Effective Tools to Track Your Finances

This aspect of the business is very crucial, and it often takes time to balance the sheet manually. Keeping track of your finances with the necessary tools will help you to reduce the amount of time used to check invoices and books manually. Use tools like MineralTree, QuickBooks, and others to track your finances effectively.

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Last Words

Time is scarce, but the good news is that it can be managed. Though there are several time management tips out there, the above tips will help you to salvage a little time for fun without your business suffering. Technology is not against you; it is here to help you, so make good use of it. 

Author’s BIO

Lori Wade is a journalist from Louisville. She is a content writer who has experience in small editions. Lori is now engaged in news and conceptual articles on the topic of business. If you are interested in an entrepreneur or lifestyle, you can find her on Twitter & LinkedIn. She has good experience and knowledge in the field.  


The Time Management Tips Every Small Business Owner Should Know About

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