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How to Use Your Logo Like a Pro — Branding 101 With Placeit

How To Use Your Logo Like A Pro Header
How To Use Your Logo Like A Pro Header

Picture this: after hours of browsing through gorgeous font pairings, selecting the perfect color palette, and coming up with a creative slogan, your logo is done. Congrats! 🥳 You’ve completed a crucial milestone for your business, plus bringing together your visual identity. As celebrations are in order, you may be wondering what comes next. Don’t worry! That’s where we come in. Today, we’ll break down the step-by-step process of how to use your logo like an expert, Placeit’s edition. 😉

We’ll cover the basics of what to do before your logo is out and about. AKA, how to protect it from potential copycats, what the right saving format is, and our go-to tool for upgrading your design game. Of course, we’ll also share all the insider tips and tricks on how to boost your brand awareness in expert style.

Your Roadmap to Branding Brilliance: Find Your Path! 🔎

Ready to get started? Let’s jump right in on how to use your logo!

Branding Breakdown: What Makes a Good Logo? 😍

From your local favorite shop to well-known global enterprises, there’s no denying that certain logos leave a lasting impression on potential customers. Just let the numbers speak for themselves! According to a U.S. survey, 56% of Gen Z and 52% of millennials stated purchasing products based on the appeal of their logo

With this in mind, it’s only fair to ask what makes a logo stand out. No worries, we’ve come prepared with the best insights on how to use your logo! First, have a peek at the key aspects of a successful design:

1. Simple 🤍

Time to unlock your inner designer! Now, let’s think about some of the world’s most famous logos. Some ideas that may jump to your mind might include Nike, Apple, and Google. After viewing their composition, you might find that one element they have in common is their clean and minimal look.

But what is simplicity really about? Does this mean that a few lines or shapes will do the trick? Not at all! While this principle conveys the idea of a “less is more” premise, there’s more to it than meets the eye.

In short, it avoids visual cluttering by stripping unnecessary design elements that may overwhelm or confuse clients. Instead, it provides a striking visual experience where customers can easily understand the message it aims to communicate. 

So, simplicity is not merely about achieving a certain appearance. It’s about creating a design that’s functional, effective, and balanced.

🔥 Take your inspo up a notch with our Complete Guide on Logo Color Schemes!

2. Unique ✔️

Creative logo designs distinguish businesses from one another, even when they compete within the same niche and industry. In a sense, it all starts with your concept. Think of your logo as an emblem that will ultimately represent your brand’s vision, personality, and values. 

Of course, logo ideas can represent a single word, a phrase, or even a metaphor. For instance, did you know that the wings of the Greek goddess Nike inspired the now-famous design? Moreover, according to mythology, this divinity is the embodiment of victory. 

As you can see, Nike’s logo holds a profound meaning full of history and rich symbolism. Now, onto you! What’s your brand’s story?

3. Timeless ⏰️

Onto the next question! How to use a logo that stands the test of time? Above all, a well-defined concept is what will make your design truly recognizable, no matter the context. While design trends come and go, it’s your brand’s essence that sets it apart.

Noted, sometimes design adjustments or even rebrandings occur. Thus, keep in mind that even the best logos adapt to the ever-changing market by tweaking subtle details. This doesn’t mean the initial idea was wrong or inaccurate. On the contrary, it just shows that brands evolve, too. 💫

4. Versatile ✨

Your logo is the first point of interaction clients have with your brand. This means customers will automatically think of your business when they see it. Therefore, whether your design is featured on detailed product packaging or an eye-catching billboard, it should maintain its visual appeal.

In other words, a strong logo is one that works consistently across different touch points. Remember how we talked about keeping a clean and functional design? Great! This will be useful when resizing, scaling, or printing your logo. Good thing you got simplicity down to a T! 😉

Later, we’ll go through some insights on the right files to save a high-resolution logo. So, stay tuned! For now, consider the following questions to assess your logo’s versatility:

Is it scalable?

Does it work in other color variations?

Is it still legible when resized?

Does it adapt to various formats?

Can it be used on different materials?

5. Memorable 💭

The million-dollar question is: how to use a logo that people remember? As you can see, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Instead, your logo’s impact relies on a series of aspects related to the quality of your design, your brand’s identity, and the message it intends to communicate.

The good thing is experts are by your side!  Placeit by Envato has tons of high-quality logos specifically designed and curated by professionals. Just browse our impressive library of brand logo ideas to find the perfect match for your business. No need to start from scratch! 😌

😊💡✨ Looking for design inspiration? Check out our logo ideas guide! It’s packed with design tips regarding graphic style, colors, and fonts and over 30 ideas sorted into 9 styles to perfectly match your vision.

Logo in Hand, What's Next? Essential Actions for Success 🌟

By this point, your creative spark has probably ignited. 🔥 But wait! Before you start sharing your fantastic design across social media, there are some tasks you might want to cross off your checklist. This is what you need to do regarding how to use your logo properly:

1. Creating the Right Files 📂

At first glance, it may seem that saving your design as a JPEG file will do the trick, right? Wrong! Whether you hire an external designer or create the logo yourself, it’s important to store it in the right format. This will allow you to use it across various touch points without compromising its detailing, quality, and layout.

In this case, any logo samples you may have are best fitted for PNG (Portable Networks Graphic) files. Long story short, this format allows your design to:

✅ Support transparent backgrounds and different degrees of transparency.

✅ Maintain the image’s quality even when compressed or re-edited. 

✅ Sustain a wide number of colors, including greyscales, in high resolution.

📌 Quick note! If you’re a Placeit subscriber, you’ll receive two versions of your logo templates: the original design plus a background-free PNG.

🌟 Golden Advice: When in doubt, save it out! After testing your logo, we highly recommend creating backup copies in multiple locations. For example, a specific Google Drive folder, your email, and even a USB drive. Better be safe than sorry. 😉

2. Trademarking Your Design ®️

Imagine you’ve created the ultimate logo: it has a top-notch design and the best color combo. Moreover, it perfectly captures what your brand is all about. Now, you can’t wait to add it to your website or share it with your followers. ✨

Needless to say, your logo is a valuable asset and an essential part of brand building. Wouldn’t you want to ensure its safety? Well, when you trademark your logo, you’re legally protecting it from unauthorized use or fraud. Rest assured, if someone were to steal or copy your creation, you’d have the right backup!

🔒Don’t miss out on how to use your logo just like professionals! Here’s the full scoop on How to Trademark a Logo and Protect Your Business.

3. Completing Your Style Guide 📗

Once your design is complete, you must verify that anyone who may work on your team understands how to use the logo correctly. Enter your style guide! This set of guidelines outlines how each visual branding element should be used.

For example, you could include the do’s and don’ts of using your logo on printed material, your website, or social media. Overall, your style guide will ensure that your brand has a consistent look across all touch points and that each element aligns with your established visual identity. Plus, it’ll also save time and effort when creating new content!

Not sure what else to add to your style guide besides how to use your logo? We’ve got you covered! Consider the following:

Brand’s voice

Color palette

Imagery style


Layouts and grids

Mastering How to Use Your Logo: Branding Your Way to the Top 🤩

Time to dust off all your logo ideas! Our creative journey is just getting started. Get a dash of inspo with our top selection on how to brand your business like an expert:

1. Boost Your Digital Presence 💻

A strong online presence allows your business to increase its visibility and engagement, thus reaching a wider audience of potential customers. Still not quite convinced? Time to bring out the numbers! Did you know that, as of October 2023, there were 5.3 billion Internet users worldwide? That’s more than half the world’s population! 🌍

That is to say, a digital presence is the perfect opportunity to build brand recognition. As for your logo, it’ll make your business instantly recognizable across different platforms. Being consistent and maintaining a cohesive look means once people see it, they’ll automatically know it’s your brand. Isn’t that great? 😌

So, when asking yourself “how to use your logo?” consider integrating it strategically into the overall design of your:

Website 🧑🏻‍💻️

App 📱

Social Media 🤳🏻

2. Create an Email Signature 📩

More often than not, you’ll find yourself sending out tons of emails to suppliers, team members, or potential collaborators. Why not show your business is willing to go that extra mile? An email signature with your logo showcases professionalism and reinforces the idea of a well-established brand. 📨

All in all, this helps you build credibility and expertise within your industry, which is particularly helpful for small business branding. Additionally, an email signature can be a great opportunity to increase brand awareness and even grow your following! You can add buttons to your homepage and social media platforms so the recipient can contact you and identify your business easily. 😀

3. Revamp Your Business Stationery 🗃

Wondering how to use your logo outside the online world? You got it! As your business and team grow, you might consider getting an office. On one hand, this would grant you access to your very own professional meeting space. Furthermore, it’s ideal for networking opportunities with potential associates. So, it’s the perfect scenario to add your logo to the mix!

There are many items you can customize, from office supplies to your perfect business setting. For instance, you can add a professional touch to any document by including your logo on the letterhead. Or, why not foster a sense of unity and familiarity between your teammates by gifting them personalized t-shirt designs?

✨😊✏️ You might like reading How to Start a Stationery Business in a Pen-Tastic Way

4. Customize Your Print Marketing Materials 🖨

It may seem that brand recognition focuses solely on building your business’s digital presence. However, print media can also be an ally in reaching your target audience. For starters, it gives customers a tangible experience that helps them connect with your brand.

As an example, say you have an awesome set of business cards made from the best high-quality materials. On one side, this lets you exhibit your logo in a way that highlights its awesome design, colors, and fonts. Overall, it’s a fantastic opportunity to present your business professionally. 

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

️ Business cards




Thank-you cards

✨🚀 Looking for the perfect tool to upscale your small images? Say hello to our brand-new Image Upscaler tool – the effortless way to upscale your visuals with no loss in details! 

5. Watermark Photos & Images 📸

Just like we talked about trademarking your logo, watermarking your commercial pictures is a way of protecting your business. Think of it as a practice that prevents your awesome visuals from plagiarism. 

In other words, it makes it more difficult for potential copycats to edit or reproduce your material without proper attribution. Thus, if you’re thinking about how to use your logo for watermarks, feel free to follow this advice:

Adjust the opacity and contrast to avoid distracting viewers from the picture’s main visual elements.

Resize its dimensions so it doesn’t interfere with important details or overshadow the overall aesthetic of your design. 

®️ Maintain the same watermark across all your content to ensure consistency regarding your visual branding.

If you’re second-guessing how to use your logo, just know that advertising comes in all sizes and shapes! From cool promo videos to dashing lighted signs, the idea is to highlight your brand. ✨

Of course, the form of advertising may vary depending on your business. After all, it all comes down to key aspects like your marketing strategy, target audience, and overall campaign goals. Just to name a few examples, there are social media ads, banners, posters, and even billboards.

7. Offer Promotional Items & Products 🛍

Did you think that we were done with all the branding ideas on how to use your logo? Not a chance! We’ve still got another trick under our sleeve. 

How about displaying your beautiful logo on awesome goodies for your clients? Depending on your niche and business, some items you could add your logo on include tote bags, stickers, t-shirts, caps, and hoodies

If you haven’t tried it yet, you could even promote these goodies through a giveaway. This strategy boosts your brand awareness while engaging with customers and growing your social media presence. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to spice things up and have fun with your audience!

Giveaway Inspo & Ideas ✨

From Zero to Brand Hero: Placeit’s Logo Maker 🪄

After going through this selection, you may be excited about trying out these branding ideas. Or, perhaps you’re looking to switch things up and revamp your design. If that’s the case, this section is for you! Placeit has top-tier logo templates that perfectly match your creative vision. Let’s dive right in.

How to Design a Logo From Scratch With Placeit?

To design a graphic logo with Placeit, you’ll just need to follow these quick steps:

1. Head over to Placeit and select your desired category from the dropdown menu of our “Logos” section. 

2. Type in your business name in the text box to preview how your logo design would look in real time. 

3. Browse through our logo templates until you find a design that matches your brand’s style and personality.

4. Click on your favorite template to customize the fonts, colors, main graphics, and background.

5. Once you’re happy with your design, hit the download button to get your PNG logo file. It’s really that simple!

✂️ Tool Alert! Resize any image in seconds and elevate your logo design with our top-tier Image Cropper.

Brand Finale: Last Words on How to Use Your Logo ⭐️

As you can see, knowing how to use your logo isn’t just about choosing the right visuals. It’s the opportunity to showcase your brand’s story and message through a high-quality and engaging design. In a sense, it’s the face of your (awesome!) business. And remember, first impressions matter. 😉

On top of that, it’s also a way of protecting your brand and boosting its recognition. It goes without saying this is a must for every entrepreneur and content creator. With the right approach and some creativity in the mix, there are plenty of strategies on how to use your logo

Of course, Placeit has your back every step of the way! From upgrading your content game with the latest industry trends to providing you with the best mockups, templates, and designs for your business, we’re here to make your brand’s story a successful one. 🌟

Now, onto you! Are there any branding or design tips you’d like us to share in the future? The comment section is all yours! After all, it’s your thoughts and insights that make our community thrive. Till next time. 😀

⭐️ We still have plenty to share! Continue your journey on how to use your logo with our Ultimate Guide to Logo Design, How to Choose the Best Fonts Logos, and The Golden Ratio In Design for Beautiful Logos.

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