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50+ Amazing Mental Health Graphics to Share With the World

World Mental Health Day is fast approaching! However, you’re still in time to plan your calendar and think of what you want to share. So, if you’re going to show your support to your community and the world, this post comes in handy because you’ll find outstanding and inspiring mental health graphics ready to be customized. 

Whether you’re sending positive quotes, designing empowering content, or promoting your best messages through merch to spread awareness about mental health, Placeit by Envato has beautiful designs and mockups to embrace this day. 

What You’ll Find in This Post:

What Is Mental Health?

Mental health isn’t only the absence of emotional disorders or illnesses; it goes beyond that. Mental health is a state of well-being that affects how we think, feel, and act. In other words, mental health allows us to:

  • Develop our skills,
  • Live, learn, and work in better ways, 
  • Have a better quality of life, 
  • Build healthier relationships, 
  • Have unity between the physical and mental parts.
  • Overcome mental illness

When Is World Mental Health Day?

Every October 10th, Mental Health Day is commemorated to raise awareness, invite action, and mobilize efforts to support mental health. 

💡 The theme for this 2022, according to the World Health Organization, is “Make mental health & well-being for all a global priority.” 

12 Mental Health-Inspired Color Palette Ideas

Before you start customizing your #madewithplaceit templates, we collected some inspiring color schemes (from Coolors) for you to apply to your designs!

Here are some ideas based on the mental health color, which is green. Although, you can use some other calm colors, such as blue and purple. Or even opt for more colorful tones but in pastel shades. 💚

50+ Mental Health Graphics to Keep You Inspired

We believe that a graphic can make a difference, so to connect with your community on a deeper level, our creative team has designed and prepared hundreds of empowering and inspiring mental health graphics to raise awareness about the importance of this topic. 

So, whether you’re an individual, a specialized professional, or even a brand that wants to show a more human and assertive side of mental health, Placeit by Envato has you covered! We have everything, from social media design posts for sharing educational content to gorgeous t-shirt designs with positive quotes and much more! Let your graphics show your support! 

Spread the Best Messages With These Online Graphics

Today, the content we consume the most is digital. We spend more time than ever on our smartphones, and for this reason, social media and even podcasts are great allies for sharing helpful advice and information to provide calm and safety in a world where we tend to compare ourselves with others. Get ready to raise awareness and share how to care for our mental health through a diversity of graphics. 

Square Social Media Templates

Vertical Social Media Templates

Podcast Covers Designs

🤍 Inspire calm with these gorgeous wellness templates.

Take Your Designs to the Next Level

Good news if you’re interested in creating more designs for this World Mental Health Day! You’ll also be able to move into the offline world to create inspiring and positive designs! Best of all, Placeit’s designs are so versatile and adaptable that they can be applied to almost any object. So you could sell, give away or donate some t-shirts, mugs, stickers, hats, sweatshirts, tote bags -or any other item that comes to your mind- with a powerful or encouraging message about mental health. Check out some examples:


📅 Don’t miss out on any important event or commercial date. Follow our T-Shirt calendar for 2022!


If you’re a psychologist, nurse, psychiatrist, educational worker, psychotherapist, or any other professional specializing in wellness and mental health, try to create a logo to support your work and look professional at the same time.

Remember that a logo is like the “shell” of your business. It helps your target audience to identify, remember, visit, and consequently buy from you. Additionally, don’t forget that it’s a visual element that enables you to stand out from your competitors.

So, if you want to create yours, do it in our Logo Maker. You’ll find the perfect design to transmit your values and what you want to share with the world. It’s super simple!

💡…But if you still need a guide, try reading The Ultimate Guide to Logo Design

Business Cards

Once you have your logo, why don’t you add it to your next business card, with all your professional contact information? We have a great collection of beautiful designs and mockups, so you can check out how your design will look on your cards. 

Mental Health Mockups to Showcase Your Designs

Now that you have your designs, you can place them into our endless collection of mockups! They’re perfect for when you don’t have models but want to convey an aesthetic and professional look. Click here to start creating yours! 

3 Content Tips Regarding Mental Health

There’s no doubt mental health is a sensitive subject that should be treated with care, empathy, and respect. Therefore, when creating your content and translating it into mental health graphics, consider this: 

1. Ask Yourself if You Genuinely Want to Share This Type of Content

Many companies tend to run campaigns or share content because it’s trendy or seasonal, without even really identifying with the cause, as is common with Pride Month. So, only do it if your intention is authentic and aligns with your brand’s purpose and core values. 

2. Create Valuable and Empathetic Content

Before creating your graphics and content, think about your audience and how they would feel, put yourself in their shoes to understand their challenges and feelings. Sometimes, a simple sentence isn’t enough to make someone feel good. Therefore, to complement this message, we suggest you seek information from trusted sources and professional guidance to address these issues with greater sensitivity. And if you’re already a mental health professional, contribute with your knowledge to inform, educate and guide people to take action gently regarding their mental health. 

3. Be Congruent Even Behind the Scenes

If you’re going to delve into this sensitive topic, keep in mind that it isn’t only based on content or images, you also have to show kindness and authenticity when you talk to the people who support you—whether they’re your target audience or the people you work with. 

In the end, mental health can be reflected in different aspects, in love relationships, at work, at school, and of course, with yourself. So try to establish a balance and act according to what you preach. And finally, remember that we’re all important and deserve to have good mental health. 

And that’s a wrap! Let us know what actions you’ll take for this important day 💚

FAQ Mental Health Graphics

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